Pvp server 1299,Koxp,Metin2,Mt2,Tanıtım,Hile,Paylaşım,2018
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Pvp server 1299,Koxp,Metin2,Mt2,Tanıtım,Hile,Paylaşım,2018

Pvp server 1299,Koxp,Metin2,Mt2,Tanıtım,Hile,Paylaşım,Hack, ,Acme,saoc,Knightonline,Myko,Çinko,Tbl,2018
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 Myko hack pwp 1299

Aşağa gitmek 


Mesaj Sayısı Mesaj Sayısı : 4016
<b>Rep Puanı</b> Rep Puanı : 10960
Rep Gücü : 40
Yaş : 37
Nerden Nerden : ist
İş/Hobiler İş/Hobiler : Knight Online
Lakap Lakap : KOXPCU

Myko hack pwp 1299 Empty
MesajKonu: Myko hack pwp 1299   Myko hack pwp 1299 Icon_minitimePerş. Ocak 21, 2010 4:22 pm

Rapidshare Download- Click here
Portal Page- Click Here
snoxd Mirror- Click Here

Bypass for Euro KO- WindowsXP WindowsVISTA

This hack should work on any 1299 private server at the moment.
Created in Windows Vista.
Have fun.

Tested without any errors on Windows Vista & Windows XP

MYKOHack does not work on a 64bit OS

- Copy dinput8.dll into your KO directory.
- Copy skip.dll and MYKOHack.exe into your KO Directory.
- Launch MYKOHack Launcher.exe -> enter KO exe name.
- Press Wait For KO, and launch ko.

CTRL+L: Open Anvil
CTRL+J: Open Last opened Zonelist.
CTRL+M: Open Inn.
INSERT: Hide/Show GUI.
F12: Teleport to town(only if you have 50% or more HP).

Always select your class/nation before you select any heal/attack
skill, if skills are not working select another class(in mykohack) and
then select your class again.

NOTE: Arrow shower/multiple shot will not hit all arrows if you do not have enough mana.
NOTE: The GUI will appear when you logged into your char.
NOTE: Uniques are never sold with autosell on.

- You can get crashes when you move items in your inventory when auto sell sold some items.

AutoRepair instructions:
- Go to attack tab.
- Re-equip(for example) your head part, if you did that the name of your equiped part will appear in the attack tab.
- If the name(or item ID) appears it means that your item is ready and will be repaired every 3 min.

Skill recording instructions:
- Go to attack tab, press Record Skill button.
- The button should now say Recording...
- Use a skill on a mob.
- The button should say Record Skill.
- Now you can use a skill in manual attack or auto attack.
NOTE: Do not change anything in the skill list or the skill will reset.
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Myko hack pwp 1299
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